Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chapters 4,5,6- 2nd Reading Session 4/3/13

Chapter 4
Discussed programs of what we do in the building-
Reading- Department meetings regarding Maze and Iowa Tests.  Decide on students who need support- 30 students or so were identified first time around.  Lasts 6 weeks.  3 probes for all students.  2 additional probes for those students in support.  Ask questions about Maze

ELA after school- based on unit assessments.  Students who struggle on unit assessments in certain areas.  Retested to make sure they have the skills.  No flex available at this time.

For those students who have been able to come consistently.  Now is to continue working with consistency and the message sent.

Data Director- We need to be clear that data needs to be used and how follow needs to occur.

Questions for the group-

What will this look like this next year as we take this to the group?

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