Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Chapter 1,2,3 First Reading Session- January 30th

We will have our first Meeting regarding Learning by Doing on Wednesday January 30th in the Orchestra Room.  Feel free to write posts or comment on ideas as you read them!


  1. What was interesting?

    It was disturbing to think that we need a book like this to tell us to be a professional!

    Interesting that many times we are using pieces of it but not necessarily functioning as a PLC.

    Pulled in two different directions- PLC for Department and PLC for Teams.

    What would data look like in Teams? Behaviors, attendance, who is on contract, check scores, SAT team, overview of how student is doing across the board in all classes.

    We have never compared Team to Team with PBIS Data.

    Common Assessments conversation and what we are grading!

    We are moving more and more to common assessments.

    Group agrees that student learning has been the focus of the conversations.

    Can't have a mission and not act on it.

    Vision and Mission of District- we come up with a plan and put it into place. we are able to act on it.

    Page 16 quote...."A key step in any ...." Data at fingertips, we have checkpoints, assessing our current reality and making changes where we need to- constant reflection.

    Piloting year- need to see how it goes. Development year!

    A whole to do list- what can I stop doing?

    Grading EVERY paper. Points for completion.

    7th grade Encore- went from 12 weeks to 9 weeks. 7th Grade Encore is in Year 3 of change! (3 quarters).

    As a building what do we need to stop doing?

    PLC's have been somewhat criticized for "dividing" departments.

    Counselor teams and department teams help balance a little bit at

    Going departments we have lost some of the collaboration of tests etc. so students are not stacked. How do we make that more student friendly? Not test "overload" for the students- how do we fix it?

  2. Team time has been valuable to talk about kids.

    Late start every Wednesday? Look at it as a positive for PLC process.

    More successes- our staff would like to see that we are having some celebrations- make sure we recognize!

    Start meetings with successes.

    Page 82- do we this as a department in May? Later in the year to create separation from LCCI.

    Have it more of a conversational input rather than survey.

    What can we take back to our staff and share from Chapter 3?
    pages 64-65.

    Formative and Common Assessments- page 77-78.

    Make sure the staff sees the benefit of PLC? It can be less work etc. NEED TO MAKE SURE STAFF recognize this!

    Culture shift- discussions do not focus on the "kids can't do it" to how can we meet. March 27th next meeting to discuss 4,5,6!
